Fertilization Services

Fertilization services are performed twice annually. Please be aware that not all fertilizers are created equally. We use only products and rates meeting the requirements set forth by the International Society of Arboriculture.


Bed Weed Control

We utilize pre-emergent herbicides to minimize subsequent germination of a broad spectrum of landscape weeds. We also apply a post emergent herbicide to weeds already germinated where possible.


Insect & Disease Control

This involves treating all ornamentals on site with combination materials chosen for broad spectrum control. Applications are timed to coincide with peak pest pressure periods, approximately 4 times annually.


Integrated Pest Management Program

A monthly on site analysis is conducted by a Certified Arborist. Treatment plans are then designed and implemented based on problems observed. Only plants needing intervention are treated, thereby reducing environmental impact and consumer cost.


Summer Fertilizer

Done once annually. This application consists of micronutrients and biostimulants applied prior to onset of summer stresses.


Seasonal Animal Repellents

Organic repellents are applied to succulent ornamentals to minimize deer and rabbit damage through growing season.


Dormant Animal Repellents

Long-lasting repellents are applied through winter to minimize animal damage as natural food sources deplete.


Deer / Rabbit Fencing

Designed for severe animal pressure sites. We utilize 8ft fencing with metal pole supports. Sites are fenced at mid to late fall and materials are removed in early April.


Pruning Services

Ornamentals are hand pruned based on natural form for proper structure and long term plant health. All pruning is done according to ISA and ANSI A300 specifications.



These polymer materials are applied to the foliage to prevent water loss. They are used primarily on broad-leafed evergreens to minimize winter "burn". Applied once or twice annually.